GTM Multivitamins

Strategies that give you the most bang for your buck

Hi friends - It’s me, hi, I’m the (solution), it’s me! 😆 

If you’re a T Swift fan, you’ll get what I did there.

Have you heard the saying…

Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them.

If not, it’s Aristotle. 🧠 

And it’s what we’re going to do this week.

Go-To-Market Multivitamins

All year, I’ve been educating you and advising you on what to do and how to do it.

And here’s the good thing - most of the ideas I’ve given you have multiple benefits aka GTM multivitamins. 💊 

That was intentional…because I know as a startup, you’ve got limited $$ and limited capacity, so we need every move we make to have a 2-5x benefit.

So let’s run through the highlight reel of some of the best ‘multi-vitamins’ -



Outbound on LinkedIn

Audience building (demand gen awareness) - even if they don’t schedule a meeting with you right away, they are now in your audience to nurture through your thought leadership

Founder Thought Leadership (Social Media)

Audience building (demand gen awareness), nurturing leads (lead gen/conversion)

Founder Thought Leadership (Podcasts & Speaking opps)

Everything above + SEO (backlinks for off-page SEO) + repurpose podcast content into a blog, social media posts, etc.

Customer Reviews

Demand gen, lead gen, SEO, and sales enablement (evidence to help convert prospects to customers), social media content

Case Studies

Same as customer reviews above

Content marketing

Demand gen, lead gen, SEO + sales enablement (for pieces that help you convert prospects to customers in your pipeline)

Email marketing

Nurture leads (stay top of mind with all the people who already know you) + distribute all of the above items through a channel you own (amplify the impact of your other efforts)

Each of those ^ is good on its own…but when you put them all together, you will really be maximizing the impact of your collective efforts. 👏 

A line one of my favorite marketers says is…

All of your content should have at least 9 lives.

Similarly, I believe all your GTM efforts should have at least 2x pipeline impact as a startup.

See ya next week ✌️ 

Want to learn more about how I help startups increase their revenue by 150-590%? 👀 

Know someone who could benefit from being added to this distribution? Send them here to sign up!

With love and gratitude, 

Jess Schultz

Founder & CEO

Amplify Group