Founder Thought Leadership Strategy: Part 4 of 4

Final step --> pick a schedule, commit**, and start posting

This is the last piece of this month's thought leadership pie. 🍰

We've covered optimizing your profile, the warm up, and defining your tone and themes

Final step --> pick a schedule, commit**, and start posting. 

In the famous words of Nike, just do it.

Just start. 

And don't aim for perfection. Just aim for good, better, best. Incremental improvement. Don't be afraid to be seen trying. Aim to get it mostly right, most of the time. 

Visual hustles (@visualhustles) is quickly becoming one of my favorite accounts to follow on Instagram, and accordingly, I'll leave you with this image before you dive into the next steps this week. 

Step #4: Pick a schedule, commit and post

Pick a schedule 

Like most things...consistency is key. Both for the algorithm and for your audience engagement and loyalty.

Pick a schedule and quota you can realistically commit to. When I started, I committed to 2-3 days a week. That's my own self-imposed quota. 

Another trick I used for a little to give my posts (and brain) structure each week was to come up with 'themes' for each day. It helped my brain get unstuck to have categories to follow. 

  • Motivational Monday 

  • Tactical Tip Tuesday

  • #hypeday Wednesday 

  • Thirsty Thursday (self-promotional) 

  • Freestyle Friday 

Sometimes I don't follow those themes exactly, but I still make sure to hit my quota 90% of the time (2-3 posts/week). Have fun with it. Find what works for you. 


You are really the only person who can hold YOU accountable. And for any sales or marketing strategy to really work - you have to commit. 

So I challenge you to do it. Set a quota that is attainable and COMMIT for at least 6 months. If you aren't seeing results after 6 months, hit me up and we can do a free assessment and tune up together.

Finally, start posting

Alright, now it's time to put what you've learned into action and START. 

Here is a list of prompts to help you get going. 

Aim to educate, entertain, inform, and connect. Even better if you can edu-tain. Every post should add value to your audience. Aim for a 20% or less 'self-promotion' ratio. 

Structurally, you want the first 1-2 lines of your post to 'hook' people aka grab their attention, intrigue them, spark their curiosity.

The algorithm rewards you when people click the 'see more', when they like it, comment on it, and 'dwell'. 

So here are some examples of good 'hooks' - 

  • Looking back, I wish I knew

  • I had no idea what to do.

  • I said no

  • What was I thinking?

  • Forget everything I’ve told you

  • I knew I had a choice to make

  • My boss would kill me for saying this

  • [BLANK] is my biggest fear right now

  • I have to say something

  • I was ready to quit

  • I never thought id see the day

  • I wish I’d known this when I was just starting my career…

  • You’re not gonna believe this

  • This was the most transformational moment in my life

  • I never thought the day would come

  • I wish I would have known

  • I’m ready to give up

  • I never signed up for this

  • today, I’m starting over

Other tips - 

  • People love a good GIF 

  • Long form, text only posts perform well from personal accounts - so don't feel like you always need an image 

  • Posting in the morning and on even on weekends can help - a lot of execs have more time to browse on the weekends 

A couple creators who exclusively post about LinkedIn tips and tricks are Jasmin and Richard - give them a follow to keep learning. 

Know someone who could benefit from being added to this distribution? Send them here to sign up. 

That's all for now! 

With love and gratitude, 

Jess Schultz

Founder & CEO

Amplify Group